
how does your garden grow?

It's been a lovely sunny day here so I've occupied my mind and my greenish fingers in the garden all day. The plan to be self sufficient in salad is going well and we are finally cropping more than enough rocket, salad bowl, chard and mizuna (which is the greatest success story). All seem to be doing OK in the side, kitchen garden bed where they don't get a great deal of sunshine. The courgettes plants are doing well there too, possibly better than the ones in the sunny plot at the back of the garden though we've given up on the peas and beans and are relying instead on their counterparts in the sunny section.
And in the sunny spot - along with 6 happy tomato plants, the sunny courgettes, lots of various experimental bean plants and lots of herbs - we have carrots, spring onions and radishes. All doing well though the slugs seem very fond of carrot tops.....
Today I planted out the first of the lettuce sown from seed - incredibly satisfying and lovely little plants - two varieties from Sarah Raven which look lovely and should mature as the others fade. These both prefer north facing so hopefully the lack of sun on that bed will suit them down to the ground. Plenty of slug protection after the havoc the slimy ones wreaked on the first lot of lettuces.... and coming up next we'll have two varieties of kale on seed sharing scheme from sis and another batch of salad bowl. Still being outdone by you in sunny Ireland and Scotland, judging by the pictures but you wait 'til you see our "grown without the aid of a greenhouse" tomatoes! ...C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really great veg!!!